1. ERGO Genome Analysis and Discovery System
ERGO provides a systems-biology informatics toolkit centered on comparative genomics to capture, query and visualize sequenced genomes. Building upon the most comprehensive genomic database available anywhere integrated with the largest collection of microbial metabolic and non-metaboli...
标签:Metabolic reconstruction,Phylogenetics, Comparative genomics, SNP Annotation, SNP discovery, Alignment, Exome analysis, Metagenomics,Pathway analysis, Comparative transcriptomics, Functional Genomics, Gene Expression Analysis, Genome Wide Association Stud
2. Partek Genomics Suite
Easy to use software providing A to Z analysis for all Next Generation Sequencing and Microarray data.
标签:Allele-specific transcription,RNA-Seq Quantitation,Epigenomics, Functional Genomics, ChIP-Seq,Alternative Splicing, SNP discovery, Small RNA transcriptome
3. PeakAnalyzer
PeakAnalyzer is a set of applications for processing ChIP signal peaks.
标签:Functional Genomics